Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All I Want for Christmas Is.....

A new iPod, that new shirt from Abercrombrie, the unlimited plan for my phone, a new jacket, etc. etc. My theology teacher recently assigned us a project to show how false gods in our society can be turned into positive things (instead of looking up to the bad celebrities, look up to the philanthropic ones). During Christmas, which is my favorite time of year, I now think that maybe Christmas is one of those "false gods". No, we don't worship it like ancient people worshipped fertility gods, but why is Christmas your favorite time of year? Is it because of the gifts, the shopping, and the overhyped materialism? Or is it because you get to spend time with your family, or because all of your favorite music is playing on the radio?
That brings me to my next question: where is the true Christmas spirit found? Being a Catholic, I look to the Christmas season as a time of hope, and light; as a time for us to wait for our lord Jesus to be born. I find Christmas spirit in listening to Christmas music, spending time with my family, and looking at all the pretty lights that decorate my block. Because isn't that what Christmas is all about, waiting for the light in the darkness? That's what I believe Christmas is about.
But that's not to say there isn't a place for gift giving, party hosting, and shopping in this time of year. There just has to be a balance between the sentimental and faith reasons for the season, and the more fun aspects of the holiday, like getting a picture taken with Santa or getting that new iPod you've been waiting for. The Advent season is all about waiting, after all. This year, I challenge myself and you bloggers to try and find that balance between sentimental and faith ways to celebrate Christmas, and the more fun ways to celebrate the season.
God's and Holidays Blessings!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christmas Stuff!

So, it seems like I'm going to be making a lot of scarves for my Christmas gifts! I will also be making my Nana a crocheted flag of Italy. My entire Dad's side is Italian, and we treasure that part of our heritage, and so I'm sure my Nana will love that gift!
Christmas... one of my favorite times of year. The music, the smells, the movies. It's just a very special time in my heart. I have very good memories of Christmas pasts, and I'm looking forward to this year even more because it is my first Christmas as a high schooler, and I'm looking to get a little more creative with my gifts! It's also just a special feeling that you get when the holidays begin to roll around; I don't really know how to explain it, it's just a special feeling you get! Well, as the holidays get closer, what are you guys doing?
God's Blessings!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Christmas Countdown!

So, Christmas is in 4 months. I know, it seems like we just got back to school, and already we're talking about Christmas! But it's important if like me, you are making all of your gifts. So I'm going to start working and completing some Christmas gifts! Over the next four months, I'm going to be posting about my Christmas adventure! Please follow, and more to come about what I'm going to make!
God's Blessings!

Monday, August 16, 2010

High School!!!

Well, high school officially starts in a week and two days. I will be a freshman, and to be honest, I'm really nervous! I'm trying to keep my cool, though, and I think I'm doing pretty well so far. I still have to finish reading my summer book, but I'm not worried about that. I'm glad that I'm going to a Catholic high school, because that's all I know. I feel confident that I will make good friends and do good things, and I thank my parents and all my past teachers for giving me that kind of guidance. I guess that the whole journey of high school begins tomorrow, with my first rugby practice. Yes, that's right, I'm playing rugby, something I have never done before, but I'm excited to be doing something so out of the norm. Well, wish me luck!
God's Blessings!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

5K Training!

Okay, I'm officially training for a 5K! I'm really excited, and it's for charity! I'm going to be running the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure! I just started this week, and I fully intend on following through. I'm going to be using a nine week program called Couch to 5K. I hope to run it with a friend, but if I have to run it alone, I'll be fine too.
This has been a goal of mine for a few years, but I've never gotten around to actually starting. I really want to follow through, especially since the cause is something close to my heart. I can't wait to continue updating you guys on my progress!
God's Blessings!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reading and Writing

So this week I finally went to a teen writer's camp offered at my library. I really liked it and I plan on going again this coming week. I even found out that they will be accepting submissions for a teen anthology that once finished, not only will all the authors receive a copy, but there will be copies in the library for other people to read.
Now, usually I'm bursting with ideas and topics, but I'm at a blank at what to write about. Usually I get inspiration from whatever I'm reading about, but I'm kind of blanking out. I know that I do want to write some kind of essay about beauty. What about beauty I don't know.
Now, for the reading part. In the past week and a half, I've read three books. I'm pretty proud of myself, but I can't take a break, because yesterday I just checked out three more books from the library! Well, off to read!
God's Blessings!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Book Review: The Possibilities of Sainthood

So, last night while driving to see family, I read an entire book that I was immediately hooked on. The book was called The Possibilities of Sainthood, by Donna Freitas. On a scale of one to ten, I would give it a 7.5. The plot was a little predictable, and there could have been a little more character development with a few of the supporting characters.
In The Possibilities of Sainthood, we follow Antonia on her journey to become the Catholic Church's first living saint and to get her first kiss (though her name saint is the Patron Saint of Teenage Purity). Antonia lives with her mother and grandmother in modern day Rhode Island above the family's traditional Italian deli/bakery. She attends an all-girls, Catholic high school with her best friend Maria, and the brother school is home to the love of Antonia's life. Throughout the story, we read as Antonia prays to different saints for different things, and along the way, realizes some things about love and the first kiss she's been longing for.
This book is a good easy read, but if you're into deeper books, I would look elsewhere. Though the book had meaningful moments, there was nothing life changing that sprung out at me. It's a good teen read, though!
I love it when I'm able to speed through books like I sped through this one (I probably finished it within 6 hours!). It makes me feel a little dorky, but that's just part of who I am. I think it's difficult to find a book that you just can't put down, and this book definitely takes that award with me!
God's Blessings!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi blog readers! As you probably know from my blog title, my personality cannot be described in one word. Basically, I'm going to use this blog as a journal for all my activities that fit into all my different personas.
Today I was mostly the artsy, creative side of myself. I am an avid knitter and crocheter, and that is mostly what I like to craft with, yarn! So a few months ago I started knitting a baby blanket just for kicks (I'm barely a freshman in high school, it's definitely not for me!), and it kind got pushed to the side. So, as a challenge, I want to finish all of my projects before starting any new projects. And finishing this blanket is just one of those many projects. It's not even close to being halfway done, so I've a long ways to go before it's done, but I'm determined to finish it! I don't know when it'll be done, but it will get done! So that was me playing with the artsy side of me.
God's Blessings!