Monday, August 16, 2010

High School!!!

Well, high school officially starts in a week and two days. I will be a freshman, and to be honest, I'm really nervous! I'm trying to keep my cool, though, and I think I'm doing pretty well so far. I still have to finish reading my summer book, but I'm not worried about that. I'm glad that I'm going to a Catholic high school, because that's all I know. I feel confident that I will make good friends and do good things, and I thank my parents and all my past teachers for giving me that kind of guidance. I guess that the whole journey of high school begins tomorrow, with my first rugby practice. Yes, that's right, I'm playing rugby, something I have never done before, but I'm excited to be doing something so out of the norm. Well, wish me luck!
God's Blessings!

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