Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reading and Writing

So this week I finally went to a teen writer's camp offered at my library. I really liked it and I plan on going again this coming week. I even found out that they will be accepting submissions for a teen anthology that once finished, not only will all the authors receive a copy, but there will be copies in the library for other people to read.
Now, usually I'm bursting with ideas and topics, but I'm at a blank at what to write about. Usually I get inspiration from whatever I'm reading about, but I'm kind of blanking out. I know that I do want to write some kind of essay about beauty. What about beauty I don't know.
Now, for the reading part. In the past week and a half, I've read three books. I'm pretty proud of myself, but I can't take a break, because yesterday I just checked out three more books from the library! Well, off to read!
God's Blessings!

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